Monday, December 22, 2008

I Can Open a Sabzi Mandi...

... and I mean that in all honesty. Going by the number of times I and Li'l General's grandfather buy potatoes and beans, we sure can supply a truck load of vegetables to the entire neighborhood. Earlier whenever his dadu stepped out of home, LG would say, Dadu ummachi" (read: a visit to the temple). After last week's episode, if we are going out then it's definitely to buy beans or carrots so much so that after his Polio vaccination yesterday when we were returning home, LG stopped by a shop on seeing vegetables to pick a few. Needless to say, it took a lot of reassurance from my side to convince him we did have potatoes at home. And what do I see after getting home, that we are running out of potatoes. Maybe he is more efficient at the kitchen than I ever will be.


Mini-Me said...

chef in the making....good good beyond the doctor engineer part...or MBA :))