It's a challenging task to keep pace with a toddler's curiosity and ensuring there's something stimulating every day. Toys, games, and playing rhymes on TV don't hold his attention for any longer than 5 minutes. He has lately taken to actively participating in daily activities such as brooming, mopping, switching off lights every night when we wish each other good night (yes, no kidding!). I was quite surprised last night when his grand parents waved him good night, he immediately moved towards the sofa in the drawing room, climbed over it and switched off the lights. Then, he moved over to dining and asked to be lifted to reach for the switchboard turning off sequentially the lights in kitchen followed by drawing room before proceeding to the pooja room. Then, ensured the mosquito mat was on in his grand-parents' room before finally moving over to his. Is he growing up too soon for my comfort, I wonder?

A peck of dust on the floor and he is off to the utility to fetch the broom. I've found a meaning in daily activities which were mere mundane chores earlier. At times, it is tough to draw a fine balance between let your kid do something and being a "no" parent. AS much as possible, I try not to use "no" and let him experiment. Don't see no harm in his playing with a broom (ofcourse I ensure it is clean) or his wiping poodles of water with a clean cloth or switching off lights in unoccupied rooms.

Showing a real microwave than pointing to a picture in one of those numerous colorful books meant for kids can be interesting. The move from Pune to Bangalore has turned me into a theoretical mom in some ways. We sat every evening in Pune over a cup of milk in the balcony while the horses and camels rode. And, here in Bangalore the only horses LG gets to see are either on TV or in books. It's back to urban life is all I can say :)