Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Gentle Side

Lil' General never ceases to surprise me with his actions. He does the most unexpected catching you off guard when you least expect something. For the past week or so every morning when I greet him with a cheery "Good Morning", he walks up to me gently brushing the hair off my face strand by strand and quickly hugs me. I don't know if this has anything to do with his starting school. There are times when he walks up to me and kisses me even without my asking. Otherwise, I have to do umpteen "please" to get a peck on the cheek once a day. It now comes with no strings attached - unconditional innocent affection from a child!

This doesn't stop here. If I get hurt or burn my fingers (I've of late been getting hurt :(), he would do "ooh ooh" and blow the bruised part followed by a quick thrashing of the object for hurting his momma. On severe occasions such as the one time when he accidentally poked his finger in my eye and it turned red almost blinding me, he ran frantically to get his grand-pa conveying with his actions that momma was hurt. The kid didn't stop until some adult understood what happened and came to our rescue.

It's hard to understand kids at this age. There are times when the terrible twos take over him and I get a tight slap for fun (he understands it's not funny and hasn't repeated it in a long time).